IviumSoft: One Feature-rich Package to Control All Ivium Instruments
Ivium Potentiostats are controlled by IviumSoftTM Electrochemistry Software, provided free of charge. Developed by Ivium engineers, IviumSoft is feature-rich, yet intuitive. It is used for both data acquisition and data analysis, and controls the potentiostat for a broad range of electrochemical techniques. IviumSoft also includes a wide range of data evaluation and analysis tools.
IviumSoft is easy to use for electrochemical newcomers and has the power to support the advanced user. IviumSoft accomplishes this seemingly counterintuitive goal with two modes of operation: “Basic” and “Advanced” modes are available for experimental setup. “Basic” mode requires minimum information from the user, “Advanced” mode gives the expert user complete control of the Potentiostat. The simplicity of “Basic” mode and the versatility of “Advanced” mode are the key to the appeal of IviumSoft to a wide spectrum of users
Sweep Techniques
- Linear sweep & cyclic voltammetry
- Potentiostatic or Galvanostatic
- Staircase or Current Averaging
- True Linear Scan (optional)
- Scan rate: 1uV/s to 10,000 V/s
- Ohmic drop connection
- Simultaneous recording of WE2 (Bipotentiostat optional)
- Simultaenous data acquisition from peripheral port
- Alpha: control of digital step sample point
- Dynamic vertexes
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